3/18/2020 8:30am
3/18/2020 8:30am Preschool and Kindergarten registration has been temporarily suspended [...]
3/18/2020 8:30am Preschool and Kindergarten registration has been temporarily suspended [...]
3/16/2020 3:47pm Dear Families, During these times of uncertainty with [...]
3/13/2020 2:34pm In response to the governor’s order to close [...]
3/13/2020 1:15pm The Shelby City Schools will be closed beginning [...]
3/12/2020 4:07pm On Thursday, March 12, Governor DeWine announced that [...]
3/12/2020 1:04pm Attention Shelby Community: The Shelby City Schools are [...]
3/12/2020 Dear Shelby Families, The District has developed a tentative [...]
3/10/2020 Dear Shelby Families, The Shelby City School District (SCSD) [...]
Dear Shelby Families: The flu season is always a challenging [...]